Makeup Reviews! Coming Soon :)

If you’ve been reading my blog, you know that in the last year I’ve recently fallen in loveee with makeup. Well, now I’m going to start reviewing the products I come across! I’m sick of listening to advertised good reviews only to get the product and have it not live up to its hype. Well, now I’m going to give honest reviews about popular products, and maybe even discover some lesser known products. And if there’s ever a high end product you want but can’t afford, I WILL find its dupe!

I plan on posting my first review next week! I haven’t decided on a product yet, so if there’s a product you’ve been dying to try but want to see in action first, let me know! And if I can get enough of a following, I’d LOVE to start doing giveaways! I have so many products that I would love to share with the rest of you all.

This is meant to be a user friendly product review page. As in I want your input! What products do you want to see reviewed, what products do you already love or hate, etc. I won’t ignore my followers, for you’re a big part of why I chose to do this 🙂

Follow me on twitter @madsmischief! That’s the platform I’ll most likely use to interact with everyone, and I’ll link my product reviews there for easy access.

I’m so so SO excited for this, and I hope you are too! I know there are a billion beauty influencers out there, but I don’t want to be the same. I have my own personality, and I  have my own voice. Most importantly, I want to hear YOUR voices. Tune in next week guys 🙂

[Disclaimer: I’m a full time med student, so bear with me if I don’t post everyday or even every week for that matter (I’ll be busier some rotations vs others). I will definitely aim for a minimum of 2 reviews per month though.]