Relationship and Drama Trouble? Not anymore!

Drama sucks. Everyone knows it. So why do we start it? I got into drama. I spread a rumor I heard about someone, and even though I only told one person about the rumor, I still went to the person who the rumor was about and apologized. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, and now I think she thinks I started the rumor, but she already hated me for no reason so I didn’t have anything to lose.

It went so far that I deactivated my facebook. (No, I did not delete it, I want to have access to all the photographs I have chilling there in case my computer ever crashes or something of the like happens.) I decided, well, what’s the point of facebook? To stalk people? To see how popular you look by the amount of wall posts and likes you get? To compete with others in popularity, to see how many pictures you can be in? I decided it’s all really sad. So, I’m done. I’m not going to be one of those sad people who sits there and stalks people day and night, and tries to come up with witty statuses to see how many likes he or she can get. I don’t care what people think of me, and frankly, I can care less about what they do with their lives.

How will I have a life, you ask? That’s what phones are for. I can’t have relationships with people over a social networking site. It has to be a real relationship. So, I will see them in person. (And leave facebook?! Oh no! But yes.) The people who I care about, and the people who care about me, can contact me via the cellular device. So yes, phones exist for things other than facebook.
It’s been almost two weeks since I deactivated it, and now I feel like I can really really breathe. I don’t have to worry about making an impression or making myself look stupid. I can just…be. No more worrying about others. (Yippee!)

I guess that’s enough for now. This has been Madeline and the mischief she’s been getting into lately!

Stay out of trouble!


P.S. Merry Christmas!

Relationship and Drama Trouble? Not anymore!